Leading the way since 25 years


Guided Tours

Per Pedes means quality, creativity and dependability – for the last 25 years we have been organizing guiding tours, excursions and staging events in Innsbruck and the Tyrol. We would like to give foreign and native guests a real insight into the culture of our country, the tradition but also in the modern way of life. The Per Pedes guides mediate you an authentic picture of Innsbruck and the Tyrol during the past as well as of today.


We offer daily city walks in German & English language. Explore the historical Old Town of Innsbruck with our guides.

„CLASSIC TOUR“ In about one hour and a half you will hear about the most significant historic events and about what every day life means today. Daily 14.00 h, Meeting point: Innsbruck Information, Duration: 1,5 h, Price: € 13.- Free of charge wih Innsbruck Card

„IMPERIAL TOUR“ a short walk trough the Old Town and than a visit through the Imperial Palace, Daily at 11.00 h, Meeting point: Innsbruck Information, Duration: 1,5 h, Price: € 16.- (includes entrance fee) – only in German language. For more than 10 people, please contact us, we offer an own guide! (e/fr/i)

Free of charge wih Innsbruck Card

Basic tours

  • Old Town with Court Church
  • Old Town with Imperial Palace
  • Old Town with Bergisel
  • Castle of Ambras
  • Emperor Maximilian I.
  • Modern Architecture
  • Crystal world of Swarovski
  • And specially: „Infamous stories from every-day life during the middle-ages“ – About superstition, craftmenship, guilds and houses of pleasure…

Tours in authentic historic costumes

  • „Glamour & poverty“– daily life around 1500 AD (1 guide and 4 actors)

Special tours

  • „Per Pedes Photo Safari“ – we show you the best places for photo shootings in Stubai – Seefeld – Sellrain/Kühtai – Rattenberg/Alpbach
  • „Coffee Stop in Austria’s famous Café Sacher“ – with the „Sacher-Cake“ in a traditional atmosphere at the Imperial Palace
“Thanks Monika for showing us all the breathtaking and amazing hot spots in Innsbruck

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Whether you are planning company celebrations, anniversaries, incentive events or just a short city tour, Per Pedes will ensure that your stay in Innsbruck is an unforgettable experience for you and your group.